What customer operations means in an AI worldTen years ago, my co-founder Laurent Perrin and I saw that email wasn’t working. It wasn’t built for teams, and businesses lacked a way to…Aug 10, 20231Aug 10, 20231
Front Series D deckThis post was originally published on Front.com: Front Series D deck.Jul 1, 20221Jul 1, 20221
Scaling the human touch: Announcing our Series D!This post was originally published on front.com: Scaling the human touch: Announcing our Series D!Jun 28, 2022Jun 28, 2022
How to find your zone of geniusThe saying goes: “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” I don’t think it’s accurate: if you want to do your best…Jul 29, 20212Jul 29, 20212
7 do’s and don’ts to get better at giving and receiving feedbackWhen I tell future hires that we practice radical candor here at Front, everyone’s bought in to the idea. What’s not to like about it…Jul 13, 2021Jul 13, 2021
Charity giving: how to do good in 2021 while social distancingIf, like me, you work in the tech industry, you might be struggling to reconcile two facts. On the one hand, 2020 was a pretty awful year…Feb 23, 20211Feb 23, 20211
How to build an impact-first organizationThe year 2020 is challenging our beliefs on what work means in so many ways.Aug 10, 2020Aug 10, 2020
Everything we’ve implemented at Front to keep a great culture while being remoteLike many companies across the world, we’ve had to transition Front to fully remote work in just a few days. If you’ve read anything from…Apr 1, 20204Apr 1, 20204
Front Series C DeckOnce is a fluke, twice is a coincidence, three times is a trend… I’m once again making public the deck I used to raise our latest round of…Feb 4, 20209Feb 4, 20209
Announcing Front’s Series CIt’s official: we’ve raised $59 million in our Series C funding round!Jan 22, 20201Jan 22, 20201